Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
The Southwest Christian School Board of Trustees agrees to uphold the mission, vision, and values of our school, acknowledging our reliance on God as Creator, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit as the Divine Presence in the world.
Each trustee strives to exhibit the qualities outlined in the Ideal Trustee Profile below:

Ideal Trustee Profile
Devoted Follower of Christ
An SCS Trustee loves the Lord and desires to follow and serve Him. As a representative of the school, a trustee must exhibit a high standard of ethical thinking and personal behavior, embrace a Biblical worldview, and demonstrate commitment to Christian fellowship and leadership.
Loyal Partner
An SCS Trustee is enthusiastically devoted to achieving the vision, mission, and strategic objectives of the school, putting aside any personal agenda for the good of the whole. He or she understands that the School Board works as a collective group, exercising decisions and influence as a single unit rather than as individual Trustees.
Strategic Thinker
An SCS Trustee focuses on the strategic direction and goals of the school rather than operational matters best delegated to staff. He or she thinks deeply about the school’s future and puts concerns about daily operations into appropriate context.
School Ambassador
An SCS Trustee facilitates relationships among the school’s constituency and strengthens the school’s reputation throughout the community. A Trustee is an advocate of Christian education and the mission of SCS.
Unifying Influencer
An SCS Trustee is thoroughly honest, refrains from gossip, and defends the honor of the school and its constituents. He or she understands the requirement to maintain proper use of information, consistently guarding confidentiality.
Effective Collaborator
An SCS Trustee is friendly and courteous, responding to adversity with wisdom and self-control. The Trustee exercises a collaborative spirit and supports Board decisions.
Tireless Promoter
An SCS Trustee demonstrates commitment to the school by sacrificially giving time, talent, energy, and money to build a great school for today and the future. The Trustee reliably delivers on commitments and he or she is prompt and prepared for planned events.
Supportive Leader
A Supportive Leader An SCS Trustee leads the school to meet the needs of the SCS community, enabling SCS to serve and minister to families regardless of their race, faith, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Carey Geesbreght

Daley Miller

Paul Stumbo

Dylan Bransom

Charlotte Buell

Brad Burke

Reif Chron

Joseph DeWoody

Clifton DuBose

Dan DuBose

Cindy Hayes

Matt Holster

Paul Rietema

Jeremy Sweek

Karie Vargas