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Summer Camp Registration is Open! We are offering eight weeks of summer camp, including half-day camps, full-day theme weeks, and athletic camps this year. Register HERE!

2024 04 18 SCS Campus Life Mc Whorter0296edit

Biblical Studies

Spiritual Philosophy

Our spiritual teachings and biblical integration focus upon major beliefs obtained from the Bible as the Holy Scriptures and Word of God. We believe in the triune God existing as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the creator of the universe, and all that inhabits it. Humanity was created in God's image, allowing them to create, communicate, and evaluate. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Distinctively Christian

Southwest Christian School is an independent, interdenominational institution. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God. As an interdenominational school, we acknowledge that there are areas of interpretation that differ within the varying denominations of the church. It is our hope that we always point our community to His word as we navigate differing areas through love, respect, and grace for one another. It is our desire to partner with the family and church in the faith development process of each student.

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Curriculum

Students receive Bible instruction as a part of the daily curriculum in the classrooms. Each grade is engaged through Building on the Rock curriculum, which focuses on students developing a biblical worldview.

Elementary students learn life lessons from the teachings of Scripture and apply the truths to everyday living. Servant leadership is one of the primary focuses of our curriculum with various opportunities of service in Chapel and service projects throughout the year. Students also receive regular character formation lessons from the guidance program that corresponds with their Bible curriculum.

We recognize the absolute need to understand the structure and writings found in His word as we pursue the development of faith in each of our students. It is important for the students to gain an overview of both the Old and New Testaments. In 7th grade, students will walk through a survey of the Old Testament focusing on the character of God and His calling of His children. Survey of the New Testament will be the direction for our 8th grade students as they look at the teachings of Jesus and the birth of the early church.

The high school curriculum recognizes the needs of teens. Consideration of their moral and cognitive development is carefully integrated throughout their biblical courses. The curriculum is designed to teach students to think from a biblical worldview. Students examine how the Bible is relevant in today’s culture and how it specifically relates to life situations. Each student is required to complete a Bible class as a core subject each year. In addition to the Bible courses, servant leadership is infused throughout the curriculum, with each student being required to complete a minimum number of Christian Service Hours each year. The curriculum program includes:

Grade 9

  • The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Grade 10

  • Leadership and Biblical Doctrines

Grade 11

  • Life Calling and Spiritual Disciplines

Grade 12

  • Apologetics and World Religions
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A Chapel service is held once a week at the Elementary Campus and at the Middle School and High School Campus. In addition to a weekly Chapel service, there are weekly opportunities for students to worship and grow in their spiritual development focused around an annual school-wide theme. Our goal with every theme is to assist students in understanding what it means to live an abundant Christian life from a biblical worldview.

A feature of our chapel program is to highlight each of our seniors through a senior recognition speech. The students are asked to reflect upon individuals and life experiences that have shaped who they are. From these reflections, students prepare a three to five-minute speech that shares the formation experiences. Seniors present this speech through four different venues: Middle School Chapel, High School Chapel, Campus-wide Chapel, or for a Panel of teachers and administrators. A panel determines the outstanding senior speech for each year. The winning speech is presented at graduation and awarded a college scholarship.

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Growth Events

The Bible Department provides a variety of events throughout the year that focus on the spiritual formation of students. Events such as See You at the Pole, National Day of Prayer, Retreats, Minimester, and other service opportunities challenge the students to see the world through a lens of service and spiritual growth.

5th and 6th grader take part in a three day, two night retreat at different times in the school year. 5th grade students travel out to Allaso Ranch in an effort to see the intricacies of God’s creation through the lens of science. Our 6th grade students head to Sky Ranch every year as they walk through leadership and spiritual formation training. Both retreats allow the student grade levels to grow in community with one another as they prepare to make their transition to their middle school and high school years.

The Middle School Kick-Off Bash is an annual event that celebrates the start of a new school year. This one-day, off-campus event sets the spiritual life theme for the year. It takes place the first week of school and includes Bible study, team-building activities, games, worship, and lots of fun with friends.

The Annual High School Retreat is a time of focused spiritual development for the entire high school student body and faculty. The High School travels offsite to create an environment where students can engage in life-changing friendships centered on the gospel. A national youth speaker and Christian band lead this opportunity of growth. Large group Bible Study, small group discussions, team building activities, worship, and lots of fun with friends are all a part of this event.

Minimester is a one week program that allows our students to actively participate in acts of service and education all around the world. High school students break into groups and serve in areas such as Honduras, Africa, Jamaica, and other regions of the world. A group also serves locally in the DFW area as they learn and work with many non-profit organizations around the metroplex.

Students also take part in educational opportunities such as business internships, parent-led educational opportunities, and teacher assistance programs that allow students to serve and grow in their understanding of where God has called them in regards to future careers and planning. It truly is a huge opportunity for students to be stretched in the understanding and serve out in the world in real life applications and opportunities. It is a beautiful opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Kingdom Differences

At SCS, we take a biblical approach to building bridges between people while embracing the differences Christ alone has created.
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