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Summer Camp Registration is Open! We are offering eight weeks of summer camp, including half-day camps, full-day theme weeks, and athletic camps this year. Register HERE!

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At Southwest Christian School, service is a key factor in developing Christian leaders in the world. We believe participation in Christian service is a vital component, allowing students to express their faith in a tangible way. Various opportunities are provided throughout the year through which students are able to contribute locally, nationally, and globally in service to others. These mission experiences expose students to diverse needs in our community and in the world, opening their eyes to a valued understanding of God’s design for others.

Instead of gifts for his birthday, Luke, an SCS Elementary Student, collected 40 coats and blessed a local elementary school. He also put a card in each pocket telling them that Jesus loves them.

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Service Projects

Students are provided various opportunities during the year to participate in Christian service projects. Each grade and student organizations select a non-profit organization to support throughout the school year. Experiences include but are not limited to, canned food drives, working in local nursing homes, filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and Samaritan’s Purse, landscaping, local blood drives, graffiti abatement throughout the city, encouragement cards for teen mothers at a local crisis center and cards for individuals serving in the military.

High School students are required to complete a specific number of Christian Service hours each year as part of the graduation requirement; this is part of their Bible credit. Many students go beyond the minimal requirements and are recognized for exceeding this minimal level.

Community Partners

In addition to meeting the service requirement for the Bible curriculum, Southwest Christian School selects several community organizations to partner with each year. We believe that volunteering is truly a gift to the community. It takes numerous people working together to reach out to those in need. Southwest Christian School works with the partners listed below to build a network of organizations reaching many within our community.

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  • Hope Farm
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Missions through Minimester

SCS High School students participate in yearly mission endeavors to Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, New York, Los Angeles, and the Philippines. Working with established organizations in each location allows our students to share the love of Christ through meeting physical and spiritual needs in a hurting world. These opportunities and mission work provides hope through efforts of making people more self-sufficient in life.

Some students choose not to travel and feel a draw to serve our local community. This is an opportunity called “Metroplex Missions” which provides a time of service and sharing the gospel throughout the Tarrant County area. Students serve through work with the elderly in nursing homes, gardening, landscaping and clean-up projects, food pantries, and more. All of these experiences enrich the student's understanding of what it means to share God’s love throughout the world.

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    Students serving in Jamaica

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    Local minimester students were awarded $4,000 for the Community Caring Center

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    Students serving in Brazil

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    The SCS Varsity Softball team serving at Tarrant Area Food Bank

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    Students volunteering at a local South African school

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    Students pouring concrete at a local school in Honduras

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    Students praying together in South Africa

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    SCS students in Honduras as a part of their minimester trip

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    Students helping to build homes in Jamaica